Houston, we have contractions

So I was talking to my night nurse when she came in at 8:00 about having some contractions. I also told her that I was having back ache and cramps with it. She became a bit inquisitive about them and asked me how many I’d been having.

I told her I’d been averaging about 1-2 contractions an hour and in between I had the crampy achey feeling. She decided to check my urine to see if I was dehydrated and asked me to go ahead and chart them.

I started charting the cramps/backache along with the contractions after 8:00 below.

Contraction monitor –

12:05 am – 45 seconds
11:07 am – 55 seconds
1:55 pm – 1 minute (contraction shown on monitor during NST)
3:51 pm – 45 seconds
4:44 pm – 45 seconds
6:15 pm – 45 seconds (contraction)
7:08 pm – 45 seconds (contraction)
8:10 pm – 50 seconds (contraction)
8:45 pm – 50 seconds (backache)
8:58 pm – 50 seconds (crampy with backache)
9:10 pm – 50 seconds (backache with tummy tightness)
9:25 pm – 55 seconds (crampy)
9:32 pm – 50 seconds (contraction)
9:44 pm – 50 seconds (backache)
9:47 pm – 50 seconds ?
10:00 pm – 55 seconds (backache and cramps); feels like I need to have a movement
10:12 pm – (crampy and backache)

So, my concern is the need/want/feeling of needing to have a BM… I remember having what I thought was an upset tummy when I went into labor with Josh; I think I’m in for a long night…

Day 9 – Sigh…

Well, my OB didn’t come to visit me until after 2:00 this afternoon.  I figured he probably had an early morning delivery, and he did at 5:00 this morning.

So, basically here I am…  Pressure was down this morning, and then creeped back up again this afternoon (140/90).  He isn’t concerned with it because his parameters for me are 160/110.

An hour before he came in, I was hooked up to a baby monitor from L & D to do a non-stress test.  Baby was just a moving away and then during the last 5 minutes I ended up with a pretty good contraction!!!  The machine recorded it, and at the same time right after Jakes heart beat lowered a little bit.  The nurse didn’t seem too concerned, but still it made me feel on edge.  She came back in after taking it to her charge nurse and showed it to my OB.  He looked at it and said that it’s not uncommon for an almost full term baby to have a drop in their resting heart beat because they’re almost done baking.  Well, if he’s okay with it then I guess I’m not going to worry about it.

He did note the contraction and asked me about it.  I told him that was the 3rd one I’d had today, but whereas they are not on a time-able schedule I can tell that they are increasing in force.  So the game plan is to make it through to Tuesday.  On Monday he’s calling for another 24 hour urine catch that will finish on Tuesday when I hit 37 weeks.  He’ll then call for a Perinatologist, which might not come see me until Wednesday to scan baby Jake to determine if he is in fact full term and fully developed for delivery.  If he gives the A-Okay, then I’d be scheduled for the c-section Wednesday sometime or Thursday.  I’m shooting for next Thursday, because that is Hubby’s BIRTHDAY!!!!

And here I sit.  At least today I had a slight headache in the morning, but by 10:30 it was gone and has stayed away all day!  😀  I am a happy camper!

My mother has predicted that baby Jake will make his appearance this Sunday, May 27th.  I’m thinking I’m going to start a poll…

Contraction monitor –

12:05 am – 45 seconds

11:07 am – 55 seconds

2:55 pm – 1 minute

3:51 pm – 45 seconds

4:44 pm – 45 seconds

6:15 pm – 45 seconds

7:08 pm – 45 seconds

One week down, ??? to go?

So, the Ambien worked great.  Crashed out around 10:30-11:00 last night and SLEPT THE ENTIRE NIGHT until 4:00 this morning.  I am pretty sure I snored like a water buffalo because I am A) Extremely swollen and B) I am 9 months pregnant…

When I woke up it seemed as thought the headache was gone, NOT!  I fell back to sleep and work up again around 6:30 and that is when I discovered that the headache was still there, dull but there none the less 😦

My OB came in again around 8:30 and assessed things.  My blood pressure was taken while he was still in the room and it was…160/110… I thought Sweet baby Jesus, we’re having a baby today!!!!!  He called for blood work and asked me to lay on my left side. He also said no more food or drink until the results came in from the lab.  The lab came to draw blood around 9:30 and said they’d have the results this morning.

I made all the necessary calls, made arrangements for the kids to get picked up from school and put the hubby on stand-by!  The nurse comes in around 10:45 and preceded to take my “vitals” because she got the lab results back and was going to call my OB with all the info.  She comes back in my room around 11:00 and says, Okay so go ahead and order lunch… My heart sank. . .

She said that the liver function test (part of the blood test) came back good, and they did a dip stick into a urine sample that showed protein in the urine but not enough for my OB to become alarmed 😦

SSSSSIIIIIIGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!  So, I had to unalert the troops and tell everyone we had a false alarm.  Throughout the day, my pressure got as high as the 150’s and that was about as high as it got.  They had me lying down most of the day, ON MY LEFT SIDE (Really starting to dislike this position…) but my head was pounding.

The day nurse came in while I had a breakdown from the pain and said she felt concerned and would call my OB.  I thought YES!  and then she came back in an hour later and said she wasn’t calling him.  WTF?  Biotch, you had better call him before I get my very pregnant ass up out of this bed and beat you with my ice pack!  She comes back yet another hour later and says that she got orders from him to give me Norco for pain, but if I’ve had Tylenol I can’t take it.  It’s a freaking narcotic.  I’m not taking that crap!  I don’t care if it doesn’t cross the placenta, I am not taking that; I refuse!

I am now at the point where I am a moody BITCH!  I am in pain, I am miserable AND I AM STILL PREGNANT!  Ugh!

So, basically the gist of it is that I look good on paper so therefore there is no concern about this raging headache that I’ve had for the past 2 days…

I am now in another holding pattern and waiting to find out exactly what my OB has in store for me tomorrow.  I guarantee it’ll go something like this “Well, your lab work looks good.  You had some protein spill into your urine stick yesterday, so I want to order you a 24 hour urine catch to get an idea as to what your protein levels are now.  They were 532 when you were admitted A WEEK AGO YESTERDAY (which is today) so lets see where we are.  Your pressure is creeping up, but I don’t understand your headaches (Yeah, me either so why don’t you do us both a favor AND DELIVER BABY JAKE!).  We will reassess tomorrow after the 24 hour urine catch…

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!  I just want to have Jake and get my body back to normal!  I am soooooooooooo beyond done!

Day 7 – Major scare

Made it to day 7 today.  Also had a MAJOR scare today too 😦

Started my day off good, without a hitch.  Saw my OB first thing in the morning.  My OB and I talked about our game plan.  So, unless I go into labor with Jake on my own between now and next Tuesday here is how things will play out.  Next Tuesday he’s going to call for a Perinatologist to come up and do a scan on Jake.  He’s going to have basically a second opinion as to the viability of Jake and then we’ll plan on having a c-section next week sometime.  I’m holding out for next Thursday the 31st as that is my hubby’s birthday 🙂  I’m glad that I have a light at the end of the tunnel and don’t have to be in here until my scheduled c-section on June 12th.

Shortly after my OB left, my hubby came in <3!!!!  It was so nice having him all to myself.  Don’t get me wrong, I love and miss my kids something fierce, but boy do I miss the alone time with the man!  My folks came up to hang for a bit right when hubby was leaving and stayed through my lunch.  Around noon I felt like what was the beginning of a headache, so I let my nurse know.

Around 2:00 the headache got worse, so I asked for Tylenol.  By 4:00 I was in agony.  The pain was intense.  They took my blood pressure and I was 150/88 😦

The orders from my OB are to not call unless my pressure is 160 as the top number or 110 as the bottom : /

Long story short, my pressure came down if I was laying on my left side; so guess how I spent the ENTIRE rest of the day?  On my freaking LEFT SIDE!

I had 3 rounds of Tylenol and the headache never subsided.  They gave me 1/2 a dose of Ambien to help me sleep around 10:30.  I sure do hope that it works…  I really do not like taking medications.  Scares the poo out of me.

Day 4 of solitary confinement

Today marks day 4 of being confined to this hospital bed 😦 My OB came in this morning around 8:30 and said he was happy with the reversal of my blood pressure (it’s going backwards instead of forward 🙂 ), however before I could even ask he said that I’m not going home 😦

I’ve finally come to the realization that I’m stuck here, in this tiny box until I go into labor or have baby Jake.  <sigh>  So, today my day consisted of a non stress test for baby Jake.  During said NST, Jake decided to have the hiccups and I whipped out the video function on my phone and taped him.  It’s pretty funny to hear him on the monitor.  ❤ it!

This evening my little sister and niece came by and brought me dinner.  She brought me the California Club from Thundercloud!!!!  Mmmmmmmmmmmmm GOOD!  Beats hospital food ANY DAY!  Although, I have to say the food here is actually pretty good.  There are some things that I’ve had that I’ll probably not have again (like the Chicken Fried Chicken…Wasn’t a fan).  The company was nice, sure did feel good talking to a human instead of the voices in my head…  😉

I asked my day nurse today if I could possibly change rooms?  The room that I am in is nice, but when I open up the blinds I’m staring at 2 huge buildings.  One is a professional building and the other is the parking garage… : / Don’t get me wrong, I love to people watch but this is a bit much…  Not to mention there is a very bright light on the building above my room, so I have to turn the blinds up at night so the light isn’t shining in my face.

Today when my sister came by, I got a wheel chair and she took me on a walk.  We walked almost the entire floor and saw a few rooms that were not occupied that have a beautiful view of the courtyard.  I’m jonsing for one of those!  My day nurse asked the charge nurse and then she told me to just ask the day nurse daily for another room.  So…. Tomorrow morning I’m hoping to get nurse Julie back and I’m asking her to bump me up to a de-lux apartment 😀

Heck, it’s the least that I can do considering I’m stuck here for at least 10 days…

Hopefully have a target time frame!

My blood pressure was most excellent today!  Best was 127/78 and worse was 140/87 🙂 Happy Camper!!!

My OB came in to make rounds around 3:30 this afternoon.  It unfortunately wasn’t enough for him to say I can go home 😦 He did however give me the ability to be in a wheel chair and to be able to go down to the lobby!!!

Then it came time to ask the most important question.  IF I keep on the right path and nothing wonky happens, and supposing that I make it to 37 weeks with no signs of going into labor; would I be stuck here until the scheduled c-section of June 12th?.. (please God, let it NOT be so) He said that when I hit 37 weeks (MAY 29th BABY!), he’ll call for a Perinatologists(Which is a $5 word for a Doctor that deals with in utero babies and doesn’t deliver) to do a final ultrasound to determine if baby Jake is developed enough to be born.  IF he concurs with my OB, then my OB will have a second opinion to do the c-section that week.

SSSSSOOOOOOO, I’ve got to get through next week and then it’ll all come to a head around May 29th!  😀

That is, unless something happens between now and then (i.e. I get progressively worse, I spill more protein in my urine or baby Jake decides it’s time).  I just wish I could do some walking, because I just don’t see how sitting here on my derriere is going to progress my cervix enough to cause labor 😦 I need a miracle!

On a side note, the fam came up to visit me tonight.  We web cammed last night which was nice, but nothing like being able to hug and kiss them all in person.  The natives became restless pretty soon, which I expected; but I got to get in a wheel chair and go down to the lobby to see them off.  Not really a good thing though, as we were saying our good-byes I lost it and started bawling 😦

Never thought this would be so hard, truly sucks!  At least I’ve got something to look forward to as they’re planning on coming by on Saturday morning sometime.