I now know!!!!

why some parents put their little ones on a leash…

We attempted to take Joshua to the store today, leaving the other 3 home (don’t worry, the oldest is 16).  I’m not sure if it was the fact that he was out of the house without his brothers and sister or if it was because he was having one of “those” days; either way he was a terror on wheels!!!

He wouldn’t listen for nothing, kept running ahead of us and when either one of us called out his name; he’d turn around and give us this evil grin. Taunting us, as if to say in his best Bela Lugosi voice; Yes, come and get me <insert evil laugh here>

I NOW understand why some parents resort to leashes.  My older 3 kids always listened, and I think that is partly due to the fact that we really didn’t venture out much between the age of 2-3… Josh will be 3 in June, and here I thought we’d already gone through the terrible 2’s.  I think he’s relapsed!

For those who don’t know what I’m speaking of, here is a picture of a parent leash.

Kid Leash

Kid Leash, AKA Child Harness

Needless to say, any attempts to constrain him to the buggy were failed.  He wanted to walk like a big boy, which also meant our 30-45 minute grocery shop ended up taking us double the time. 😦

I now understand why some parents choose to restrain their little angels… I’m giving serious thought too.

Pinterest, my new addiction

Okay, so I originally got my exclusive “Invite” to pinterest a few months back; but boy it has recently become an obsession!!!!

Not only have I got a TON of ideas for holiday decorations, kids birthday parties, yummy recipes and more.

I have brought back my inner child, I’ve exposed my inner personality all through a totally addicting web site.  And here I thought Facebook was addicting… NOT!


Had my OB appointment today… Good news is, I’m not spilling any protien!  Bad news is… I gained 18 lbs of water weight in a month!  AND my blood pressure was elevated.  Well, DUH!

The medical tech uses one of those dumb wrist pressure takers, because to be quite honest I don’t think she knows how to take it old school (you know with the stethescope and a blood pressure cuff).  So, I ALWAYS have higher blood pressure on those aparatisus.  ALWAYS!  It was like 147/117 or some ghastly number.  Of course, my pressure skyrocketed when I stepped on that damn scale..

When I got back to the room, he took my pressure the tried but true method of stethescope and cuff and my pressure was 132/91.  A little hight but in the normal range.  He decided he wanted me to watch my salt intake for the next week and try to take it easy (ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, yeah right!).  He wants me back in one week vs. three.  :/

If my visit next week isn’t better, I’m being put on bed rest…

Welcome to my blog

Well, after hosting a blog on another site for a while (but always forgetting my log in and/or to update it), I’ve decided to move over to WordPress.  Here you can read about the daily goings on in my house.  I’ve been married to the same wonderful man for 17 years and we have 4 children, with our 5th due June 2012.


In 2011, I finally figured out how to lose weight after 17 years of being over weight.  Funny, who would have thought that watching what you shovel into your pie hole and exercising to eat would actually work!  I successfully lost 48 lbs from March 2011 through October 2011; and then I got pregnant. 🙂


In my spare time, I am also a licensed Real Estate agent in Central Texas.  On December 15, 2011 I was awarded the Williamson County Association of Realtors Rookie of the year. By the grace of God, my Husband and kids I was able to knock out 40 Residential Real Estate Transactions during my first 18 months as a licensed Realtor.  I grossed over $2.3 million in sales my second year as a licensed Realtor and I couldn’t have done that without the help of my family.


So, sit back; relax and enjoy the read!




The Spicy Pepper